Dining with Neighbors

Tonight we were able to enjoy guests once again around our table. We have two elderly neighbors that we invited for supper. They have been such a blessing to us and we have become quite close to them throughout the last six years we have lived here.

Here is our menu for the evening:

Tossed Garden Salad w/ Dressing
Dinner Rolls
Baked Chicken
Baked Potatoes
Relish Tray
Steamed Broccoli
Ice Cream

We had a wonderful time listening to stories they told of the neighborhood from years gone by. (They both have lived in their houses going on 50 years!) We shared with them the upcoming changes in our life and told them that we would be moving. It was a bit sad to know we would be leaving such nice neighbors that we have come to love.
As they left tonight and I began clearing away the coffee cups from the table I thought of how uptight and nervous I used to be hosting guests into my home. Funny how ministry will change that!! Through the years of being a Pastor's wife, I have had to open my home so many times that I have grown used to it - and so enjoy the time.

I am so thankful for the many opportunities God has allowed me to have in this area of hospitality. I am glad I did not wait until I was completely comfortable with the concept - because I don't think it would have ever come on it's own. No, being comfortable hosting guests did not come until it was practiced over and over and over again.

As I watched the two elderly men walk slowly to their homes, I felt a strong assurance that this is what God desires from us - inviting those around us to come into our homes - sit around our tables and see the love of Christ in our hearts as we interact one with another. I committed this evening to the Lord that no matter where He takes us from here - no matter the size of our house or the work that is involved - I am going to use my kitchen and my dining table to show the love of Christ to those around me.

Trust you are finding ways to be a blessing to those God brings into your path. Such a sense of purpose I find in sharing Christ with others.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

How wonderful! I have been working on the art of hospitality myself. It is so important, yet forgotten these days. You are right, it does take practice to get comfortable with it.