Father Knows Best

We believe very strongly that the dating philosophy is not a biblical view; and often is a very dangerous and emotionally crippling practice of our American culture. We have chosen to believe and teach our children the principle of courtship. There are many different parts of the courtship principles; but one of the main ones is that the Father and Mother of both the boy and the girl play a strategic role in the marrying off of their children. (Not to be mistaken with prearranged marriages where the parents actually choose the mate for their child.)

We have always taught our children, even from a young age, that Dad will help them when it comes time for them to get married to the spouse God has chosen for them. Our intent is to train them in this mindset even when they are very little to think counter culturally and biblically in the regards to engagement and marriage.

Anna seems to have a firm grasp of this already.

Today, we were sitting at the lunch table. She was busy eating and the older girls and I were talking about someone that was getting married soon. (I did not even know she was listening, to the conversation.) Then out of the clear blue sky she said, "Daddy is going to get me married."

Well, I guess even at three she has a pretty good concept of courtship. If that is all that she thinks until she is 18 - I think we should be home free with this one. :)

How much I am realizing right now, that it is so important that our children know they can trust us. We have had two situations in the past month - with two different children - that have required us to ask them to simply trust what Dad has decided even though they do not understand the decision. Both times, both children have chosen to do that in spite of some disappointment on their parts. They also have both come to see that Dad knew what was best and that they are happier with the decision that he had chosen more than they would have been had they been able to do the choosing.

It was a gentle reminder to me as a Mom - that it is important for me to be building up Rob in my children's eyes. They need to trust him. How sweet the simple trust a three year old has in knowing her Daddy will do what is best for her.

Thanks for stopping by. I am so glad you did.



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