Book Review - "What Do You Think?" by Matt Barfield

Normally on the first Friday of the month I do a book review post.   The month of April is Autism Awareness Month.  Recently, I have come across an excellent resource for parents who have a child with autism.   Autism was started by a couple, Matt and Chrysta Barfield, who have a son with autism.  The purpose of Autism Missionary is to be a help and encouragement to families on the spectrum. 

Matt also wrote an eBook entitled:  What do you Think? Change Your Mind about Your Child, His Education, and Yourself.   The book also comes with a three part audio combo.  As I read through the eBook I got so excited; because there was a wealth of information within the pages of the short book.  I loved the format of the book – as it was easy to read.  Here are a few things that were highlights to me as I read:

The book covered practical things that every parent who has an autistic child can do.  I do not believe that there is a parent out there with a child on the spectrum that will not benefit from this book.  Here is why:  Matt deals with first and foremost what we think as parents.    Every single one of us has been discouraged or has felt hopeless when we have realized that autism is a part of our lives.  Matt lays out a plan on how we can change our negative thoughts about autism and have families that are happy and joyful.  It was very encouraging!

Within the pages of this book I was also challenged to strategically look at the strengths of my child. I was introduced to a plan on how to work with my child in identifying autistic behaviors that do not allow my child to reach his full potential.  The book was so practical and very helpful.  I worked through the “ 7 Step Plan For Building Bridges to your Child’s Gift.”  It was VERY eye opening.  I was encouraged to be a Bridge Builder in my child’s life so he can excel at his strengths.  I am working on implementing some of these things even here this next week with Zak. 

Matt also vividly explains how children learn and talked about success that they have seen with their son who has autism.  He deals with how academic styles can be so different in a child with autism; and offers some helpful tips on educating a child with autism.  It was eye opening to see how he used a city to describe different learning styles. 

I loved that I was reading something written by another parent who has gone through the same struggles that we are dealing with on a day to day basis.  That was a huge encouragement to me.  I think that if you have a child on the spectrum you will find help within the pages of this short eBook - and also be encouraged through the audio series that comes with the book.  The book is only $10 and it is money well spent!  I also would encourage you if you know someone who has a child with autism – to introduce them to this ministry.  It will be a blessing to them.  (Perhaps you can purchase the eBook for them for Easter - Just a thought.) 

My favorite quote from the book was this (and I wrote it down the minute I read it):  Having an autistic child is not a crisis.  It is a reality.”  My life did not stop the minute we got the autism diagnosis – nor was it thrown into chaotic chasm from which we could never recover.  This book helped put a lot of perspective about me, Zak and how he learns; and the importance that must be placed on how I think about autism.    An excellent read!   You can purchase the book here. 

Matt and Chrysta Barfield - founders of Autism

Also, I wanted to tell you that Matt’s wife, Chrysta, has a blog where she deals with issues she has faced as a mom of an autistic child.  I have loved the posts that I have read this far.  Sometimes it is nice to know you are not alone.  Her gentle writing style is a blessing!  You can read Chrysta’s blog here.  (I also have asked her to be a guest blogger for one of my posts here in the future – so hopefully she will say yes!).

Thanks so much for stopping by.  I am so glad you did. I hope you have a great weekend.


1 comment:

Chrysta Barfield said...

I can't wait to write a guest post for your blog! Your life and testimony amazes me and encourages me along the path God has for me.