Follow On

I have been thinking of all that God has brought us through. So many wonderful wonderful happy times - but also there are many dark trials that God has walked beside me through. Oh how wonderful to KNOW that I can follow Him anywhere - through anything - and trust - because He cares for me . He knows what is best for me!

It is at times of deepest trial - that I "learn of Him". I look back at times when my heart was ready to break - the path before me seemed uncrossable - or times when I was so tired I just wanted to quit - and then He came and ministered to me in a way that no one else was could.

How safe - in His bosom to rest in His care. How comforting to know He cares for me. When I look back - I see the trials He has brought me through. I can remember the day our daughter died - getting the news that they had done everything that they could - but that she did not make it - I remember collapsing the the floor - unable in my own strength to physically stand because of the pain in my heart. Yet, at that very moment when my strength failed - when I was at my weakest - His strength was there - waiting for me - holding me - uplifting me. I knew He was there. Overwhelmingly, I felt His comfort and strength flood my heart - and I went on. Not in my own power - for there was none left - but only because of His. I think of the many times in ministry when the task before me seemed too hard - too great - impassable. I remember the times when God seemed far away - when prayer seemed useless - yet, God was there. My faith - tested - my beliefs becoming more cemented. As I walked through the trials it was God who brought me through them. He did not make them easier - but added grace to my load. Now, I look back and see how He worked and what I learned during those times and I see the trials differently - they have become a blessing - - for through them - I came to know Him - so much more.

I look at life currently and I wish I could see the future. There are days that seem unbearable - there are times I am so uncertain which way to turn. Am I making the right decisions? So many times with our little Zak I wonder what I am to do - then I look back and see - God has his little life in the palm of His hand. He placed him here - because it was good for me -- it was good for him. I do not need to know all the answers. I do not need to know what his little future will hold. Sometimes I wonder what will become of him. Will he ever live independent of us - will he always need care? Some days these thoughts can seem overwhelming. Then I realize - my life is not my own - it is Christ's; bought with His precious blood - He knows what is best for me. I look back and see He has always done what is best for me - the future journey will tell the same - He always does what is best.
Surrender is not a one time occurrence - it is daily. I was reminded today - I do not know the future - but I do know the present. The only thing that I can do is be faithful. So today I will choose to obey God - I will choose to show Christ to others. I will choose to look to others needs and not focus upon my own.
Someday my earthly journey will be done. I will follow and meet Christ on Heaven's shore. All the trial and troubles of life will seem but a moment - when I look into His face. What a day that will be!

Down in the valley with my Saviour I would go;
Where the storms are sweeping and the dark waters flow;
With His hand to lead me - I will never, never fear
Danger can not fright me if my Lord is near.
Follow - follow - I would follow Jesus
Anywhere, everywhere - I would follow on.
Follow - follow - I would follow Jesus
Anywhere He leads me I would follow on.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are having a great week!



Becky K. said...

What a moving post. So true.
I have not heard that hymn in a long time. It takes me back.
Thank you.
Becky K.

Sadie said...

Hi Jane, what a sweet blog you have. I just found it and I think it's delightful. I'll be sure to come back and visit again. Thank you so much for sharing!

(Unfolding Grace)

Soulhealer said...

Hi Jane, thank you for your post on my blog. I decided to visit yours. It is wonderful. I was very touched by your post. You have been through so much. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child but I do know the heartaches of trials that make you feel defeated, like you can't go one more step, and I've felt God's grace pick me up and keep moving me forward. We serve an awesome God!

... said...

what a beautiful post and one that really spoke to me. i think i needed to read this today. i even enjoyed your music as it seemed to soothe me as i read.

usually i don't like music because it's hard for me to read and concentrate. but not your josh groban pieces. they actually add a nice touch to your posts.