Sweet Retreat

I just arrived back this evening from a weekend get away with my girls. It was wonderful. We were surrounded by Christmas music, beautifully decorated facilities with white Christmas lights that transformed everything into a winter wonderland -(without the snow!) I have been having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit. It is not that I am not liking that Christmas is coming - but rather having a hard time comprehending that it is right around the corner. This retreat did the trick - I am ready to get out the Christmas hymns and hear them playing on the CD player. I am ready to prepare the house to be decorated with our Christmas decorations and start up the seasonal baking.

It was a wonderful get away - and I came back ready for the season. I also came back spiritually blessed. My Blessed Heavenly Father knew just what I needed this weekend; and as He so perfectly arranged - my cup was filled to over flowing. God spoke to my heart during the sessions that I attended, listened to, and took notes in. I was challenged with my walk in the home. Oh how hasty my spirit can be! How short and unsweet my tongue can answer those that live around me day after day. I want to be edifying in my speech. To have words that are seasoned with blessing to my family from the time they rise up in the morning till the time they go to bed at night.

I was challenged by the awesome responsibility of raising my children for the Lord. God impressed so greatly on my heart the reality that Christian parenting done God's way takes TIME. How quickly I rush through life - accomplishing my to do lists - organizing all my nooks and cranny's - but how many times have I forgotten the needful thing - of spending time with my children. How hasty and quick my spirit can become when I am presented with a character challenge from one of my children that needs my attention. How fast my selfish heart cries out, "I don't have time for this right now" - - for at that moment I find my sinful heart too wrapped up in what I want to do rather than the calling God has for me.

I was challenged by the need to walk in the Spirit. Oh, how often my sinful heart wants to serve me - rather than my Saviour! God forgive me! I must choose to follow Christ - not just in vocation; but in the very attitudes of my heart.

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight..."

I was refreshed by the presence of Godly women that I was given the privilege to meet this weekend. I have grown weary of the professionalism of Christianity today. I have grown weary of it most of all in my own heart. How vain, when I am more concerned with how my hair is done than my heart attitude with Christ. I was given the opportunity to go to a retreat and do nothing. Most retreats I am busy and speaking and not able to just sit and fellowship, read, and grow during the time away. This weekend, was special. I was able to sit and talk with other ladies that God brought into my path to strengthen and challange me.
I was able to have heart to heart chats with both of my girls. How special to walk together and talk about life, our dreams and our shortcomings. To be challenged by my girls in their perceptions of my role as a mother. How blessed to feel the Holy Spirit challenge my heart on areas to which I need to take note. My family is my most prized possession. It must be must cultivated and nurtured.
I am glad to be home. I will love sleeping in my bed without fear of spiders or lady bugs crawling on me during the night. I will lay my head down tonight and thank God for allowing me the privilege of hearing Him speak to my heart - and challenged tomorrow to follow His leading for me.

Sleep tight tonight my dear friends. Rest soundly knowing God is always there - loving us, blessing us, challenging us.

Thanks for stopping by -- Goodnight!


~~Deby said...

JAne ,
Just reading the details of your retreat was uplifitng in itself....and your pictures so wonderful that enhanced your blog post. This was a poignant post with lots of things that spoke to my heart....I too desire a REAL Christianity vs Churchianity....there is a difference.
Merry Christmas

Mimi said...

I loved your post today... it sounds like you had a wonderful and fulfilling weekend with your girls and your GOD,
many blessings to you my friend and may you continue to be filled with the peace that passes all understanding!!

TO BECOME said...

I love reading about your refreshing good time. It made me feel much the same way. You are certainly right about your children. One day you will turn around and they will no longer be living there. They will have lives of their own with their own families so enjoy each moment that you have left with them day by day. The do to list can wait the children will not wait they are growing each minuet. connie from Texas

God bless you and have a wonderful week.

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Thank you for this post! You had some things in there that I needed to read tonight and it blessed my heart.

Reading this post you sounded light and free in the Lord. Thanks again for sharing your weekend with us.