
We sat together; gathered to pray. Daddy opened our time with prayer. Then, we began to talk and meditate upon Him. How clearly His love for us all came into view when we took time to realize the sacrifice He willingly made to redeem ourselves to Him.
How awesome the thought that He desires a relationship with us more than we desire it from Him.

I thought of all the times when I have heard His still small voice calling me away for a few moments of peace and rest at His side. I thought of all the times I have felt too busy to come.

I thought of the many times when He has been waiting - and I have been too busy.

My heart was smote with my failure to choose Him over all else.

When it came my turn to pray - there were tears in my eyes. I want Him to be my life. Life apart from Him is completely empty.

How thankful I am that He still calls.

How thankful I am that He desires me - thinks of me - and longs for me.

So today I will spend time with Someone who desires me more than I can imagine. How loved I am.

Resting at His Feet,


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