All I Need

I feel an unrest within my soul. Plans that I have made have changed. I look at my resume and realize that there is not much to write. I get up for my day to repeat the same things I did the day before. I feel stuck.

Then, I sit for just a while to spend time with Him. He reminds me I am His - He is mine. He never leaves, is never taken by surprise and nothing I do merits His love for me. He loves me just like He did yesterday; and like He will two years from now. It does not depend upon me. He loves me like before - like always - forever.

I listen as He speaks. He has my name grafted upon the palms of His hands. He prays for me. He thinks of me often. He cares. He is moved with my frustration; and He quietly whispers peace.

He calms the sea of confusion in my mind with His word. He brings the calm, the peace. I sit with Him and realize that He is my all. Nothing else is needed. Christ and Him alone. Close to His side my plans can unexpectedly change - and still I can rest. He has it under control.

So I walk not certain of the future; but sure of Him. Confident that when my life seems uncertain He will allow me to see Him more clearly. Drawing me closer to His side. I lay upon His chest and rest. Allowing Him to love me and my thoughts to be of Him.

"Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands..."

-Isaiah 49:16


west family said...

Hello my friend, I am wondering why you have unrest, what is going on with you guys? Thinking about you and praying all is well,
Call me if you have time since we never get to catch up at church.

TO BECOME said...

Yes, Yes, Yes, All you said is so true. It is so wonderful to know the One who made it all and Knows me so much better than I do so I can rest completely knowing that He loves me and He who holds the worlds in their place can surely hold to me, the one He made me. I can rest and peace is mine. We don't have to know what tomorrow holds we just have to know the ONE who holds tomorrow. love you, connie

Sheryl Shaffer said...

Oh the peace in knowing that we belong to matter come what may. I found this post most refreshing and it spoke to my soul. We need to sit in His presence more often. Thank you Martie. We are praying for Rachel and you all.
Love you all over the moon.