The Hike

We recently took some of the kids up to a nearby mountain to hike up the trail to the falls.  It was beautiful!  We loved being there.

Zak was so excited to see the mountain.  However, when Anna heard we were going to a mountain, she broke down in tears and started saying over and over again, "I want to go home!  I want to go home!"  I am not sure what caused the word 'mountain' to cause such fear; but she was totally afraid.  We told her that Dad was with her and he would keep her safe.  She sat quietly and then said, "I know!"  Then she started quoting her Bible verse from Patch Club.  "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee."  Then she said with full assurance, "I don't have to be afraid, God is with me!"  It was a blessing to me as a Mom to see that simple faith; and I thanked God for Miss Debbie who taught her the verse! 

When we got to the trail we had so much fun.  Anna quickly realized that she did not need to be afraid.  The only time she was afraid was on the stairs; and Daddy took care of that - and carried her down. 

Hope you enjoy the pictures.  It was absolutely beautiful.  I love living in North Carolina.  Such beauty.

Trust you are able to enjoy building memories and heart strings with your family.  Thanks for stopping by, I am so glad you did.


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