New Blog Topics

I had many reason for why I started blogging several years ago.  Once was for our extended family to be able to have a glimpse into our life here.  To be able to watch our children and our lives unfold – even when they were miles and miles away.  Another reason I had for starting the blog was to be able to share devotional thoughts that God was teaching me.  I think though, that one of the greatest reasons for why I started my blog was because I wanted to be an encouragement to young moms.  Being a mom is hard work and sometimes it is downright discouraging.  I wanted my blog to be a source of encouragement and to remind us all that we are in this thing together. 

That was years ago.  We have gone through a ministry change.  I am not a pastor’s wife anymore with a young Mom’s class that meets once a week.  I am a stay at home mom who has children in every stage of life ranging from young adult to kindergarten.  Our ministry move brought with It financial hardships that have been a challenge to navigate through and the past five years have had some serious ups and downs.  

I have learned a lot.   I have been looking back at the past five years and been amazed at how much God has taught me and how much He has allowed life to teach me through the difficulties.    I have not arrived and I am still learning; but I wanted to include in my blog a place for me to record and post about the things I have learned about.  I wanted to post practical tips that I have learned and am still learning on how to be a steward of what God has given to us.  I wanted to document and post about how I have come face to face with materialism and it’s affects on my life. 

So, I am opening up a new topics bar entitled:  The Simple Life.   I hope you will enjoy the topics that are discussed in these posts.  I am planning on being able to post more now and have frequent and new posts that go up that cover a wide range of topics that have to do with not just living a simple life – but being able to thrive in the highest calling given to a woman – being a wife and mom.  If you are a reader who has been with me from the start – I am glad you are still here.  (It has been pretty sporadic in the posting schedule.) If you are a new reader – please pop in a say hi – and know that I am truly glad you stopped by. 

I am looking forward to some exciting days in blogging; and as always, I am so glad you stopped by!


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