All in all we got about 17 inches of snow. We were snowed in the entire day yesterday. What do the kids do when they have a whole day off of school and can not go anywhere? First, they help Dad shovel out while Mom fixes breakfast. Then after breakfast dishes are done they stayed busy...
(Taking Anna out to play in the snow. She got to go out without her face getting washed from hot chocolate... such fun!)
(Building snow forts in the front yard)
(Helping big sister cook the meat for pizza)
(Doing Anna's hair; and getting her to model the finished product)
(Getting 'horsey' rides)
(More rides... from an older horse)
(Playing cars and learning lessons on sharing with your sister)
(Taking pictures of Mom while she is taking pictures of you)
Then that night everyone over the age of 10 found we all had the same agenda...
(Tuck the little ones into bed,
turn on the lights to the Christmas tree,
make some hot tea...)
(Find a corner and a book.
Settle in for a cozy night;and let the blizzard blow as long and as hard as it wants to!)
They say a family that reads together... reads together. That is how you found us last night. It seemed the perfect way to end the blizzard day.
Trust you are able to stay warm and make memories with family. Thanks for stopping by; I am so glad you did.