Home Again!

Rachel was allowed to go come home last night. We are glad to have her home! She is still having trouble swallowing her food and we have to continue to work on that. They are thinking that the virus messed up her throat and are giving it a little time to see if the issue resolves itself. If it does not get better in a few days then they are planning on putting in a feeding tube.

Please pray that we are able to see this issue subside and that she is able to continue to take steps forward in getting better.

This has stretched our family; but we are thankful for the grace of God that gives us the power and strength to go through these hard times. I have seen God working in the lives of my children through this as they have to step into the gaps and fill in areas that they normally do not have to worry about. Abbey has stepped up to the plate and been such a blessing to me. I can not believe how much of a little homemaker she has been. She pretty much has been me in the house since I have been gone. I came home to a clean house, laundry and ironing all done and dessert ready and waiting for me. James spent the day helping Dad at work - - and loved the one on one time with Dad for the day.

God is good - all the time. We are excited to see how He is working this for our good. Thanks so much for your prayers. God's people have been such an encouragement to us.



1 comment:

Becky K. said...

I just found this out in my own kids. I spent three unscheduled days in the hospital recently and these guys were just fine. It makes one thankful for all of the time spent in training, doesn't it?

So happy you are home again.

Becky K.