Dining with Friends

This Sunday I was blessed to be able to enjoy having guests around my table throughout the day.

After the morning service we were able to open our home and enjoy talking, laughing and 'catching up' with some friends visiting from out of town. How we have missed them - and how we enjoyed the afternoon. I kept the lunch simple - more out of necessity than desire - for I had just gotten home the night before and lacked the time for proper preparation of a normal Sunday afternoon meal.

Pizza was ordered, paper products brought to the counter, and ice cream purchased on the way home from church. It was much nicer enjoying the fellowship than stressing out about a meal and washing dishes. I left for church with a smile in my heart - what a wonderful afternoon!
Sunday night after church we were blessed to have missionaries sitting around our table. There are many things I love about being a Pastor's wife - but having the blessing of missionaries enjoying meals with us - rates right up there at the top of the list! We enjoyed a simple bowl of soup served with dinner rolls and vegetables. Such sweet fellowship we enjoyed; and as they left that night from our home they took a part of our hearts with them.

What a blessing to be able to open our home to other believers and be edified, and blessed by the fellowship of like minded brothers and sisters in Christ.


1 comment:

Becky K. said...

I am a "Preacher's Kid". Oh, the memories you stirred up with this post.

After church on Sunday nights we usually enjoyed scrambled egg sandwiches. That is, unless we had an evangelist or missionaries staying wtih us...then it would be cold cuts, etc.

Many, Many wonderful memories!

Thanks, Martie.

Becky K.