Going Home

Last week our Pastor's sister, Joy Hirth, was taken home to be with the Lord. After years of graciously battling cancer God called her home to Heaven. The funeral is today. As I go about the day my thoughts and prayers will be with the family.

How sweet the comfort when the loved one departed knows Christ! How joyous the thoughts of what Heaven must be like for her! The thoughts so real - that a smile can pass through the lips at the thought of her complete and total healing. Heaven is now her home. Yet, the hearts of those remaining here on earth grieve at the loss of her presence. So many will miss her - her church family - her immediate family - her dear husband.

My prayers are that through her passing Heaven will be more real to those who knew her - and that through the difficult weeks and months ahead they will feel beneath them the Everlasting Arms.

Book Review - Climbing- by Rosalind Goforth

Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down and reading about missionary Rosalind Goforth. How this book challenged my thinking and inspired my resolve that serving Christ is the best way to spend one's life!

Rosalind Goforth was the wife a Jonathan Goforth - missionary to China in the late 1800's and into the early 1900's. I was overwhelmed by the many sacrifices that she made on the field. One of which was burying 5 of her children there! I cried as I read of her account of her children being taken home to Heaven. I understood completely when she talked of her fear of loosing her other children to death - especially when they would be taken ill. I was inspired at her commitment to prayer when she would find her child sick and would go to God asking Him to bring healing to her child.

I laughed when she tells of the account where she defied her husband's wishes stating that she "must have her way sometimes!" Her independent spirit was short lived as she opened up her Bible the next morning to find the verses she was scheduled to memorize were none other than Ephesians 5:22-24!

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the saviour of the boy. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husband in everything."

She gave an account in her book of how she lost her temper with some of the Chinese people - those for which they had come to China to share the good news of Christ's love for them. As she gave the account, I could not help but understand just how easy it was for her to respond to their unkind comments about her and her home. Yet, in a spirit on honesty and meekness she told about how God (and her husband) helped her to see how the Holy Spirit was not the one in control during her outburst.

It was wonderful to read her story. I am so thankful that she put it 'all' in there. How easily we leave out the ugly and put in the good. I read a story about a missionary wife who made mistakes and allowed God through those mistakes to mold her and draw her closer to Himself. It truly was an inspiration for me to read.

You can purchase the book Climbing by Rosalind Goforth here. You will not be disappointed and your spirit will be challenged by this great lady of faith!

Ministry Happenings

Sorry for the delay in posts. Life has been running in the fast lane here.

We made it to Colorado for the Colorado Invitational. I had the privilege of coaching the JV quiz team for the weekend. It was a wonderful time. I loved working with all the kids -it was exciting to see the team come together throughout the weekend. Our team took third place in the competition. We saw God really help us - and allow the kids to remember the things they had studied. It indeed was an awesome opportunity to work with the team for the weekend.

Rachel and I arrived home around 1:30 on Sunday morning. I was able to sleep in my own bed for a few hours (with Rachel keeping me company); and then we headed out early to meet Rob at the church where we were scheduled for meetings this week. I got there just as the service was about to begin. I had to opportunity to teach the ladies Sunday School hour. We spent our time on the subject of reverencing your husband. We continued the series during the afternoon session teaching on the matter of submission to our husbands. I never get tired of being able to share God's Word with other ladies. Seems every time I do I am challenged again and again to be the wife God desires me to be.

Monday I spoke at a ladies luncheon. We had a sweet time there with a few ladies. We talked about thinking on truth; and how God's Word needs to be the center of our thoughts. (I am planning on doing a post on these three workshops here in the near future.)

Anna got sick while I was in Colorado. It became obvious on Tuesday that I needed to take her into the doctor. She came home with a diagnosis of a double ear infection and bronchitis. Seems Satan always tries to throw a monkey wrench into meeting weeks. She stayed home from the meeting on Tuesday night; and was considerably better in the morning - - after the medication had time to take affect.

Tonight was the last night of the conference. On the way to the meeting the van had some issues. That is a nice way to say that we rode on the shoulder of the road for about 5 miles praying that the van would not die! We were able to creep along to the gas station. Rob looked everything over - put in some gas and oil while all of us in the van were praying. (Rob was praying too as he did his jobs). We tried to put into practice the verse in James where it says, "Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations..." We thanked the Lord for this trial and asked Him to help us. We turned out of the gas station and did not have another issue with the van the rest of the night! God is so good!!

It was a wonderful week of meetings. On the way home the kids slept the entire way! We are all tired; but thankful that God allowed us to minister this week. Serving Him brings such a sense of purpose.

Thanks for your prayers. We are all glad to have had a good week.



Snowed In

It has been snowing here since about midnight. Up to 16 inches are expected. The kids stayed home today from school. We were concerned, not so much about them getting to school; but about them getting home from school! The decision was made early that today would be a snow day for our family. The forecast is saying that it will continue to snow into the night; and I am praying that we will be able to get to the airport for the flight out tomorrow.

My in-law's left early before the snow got too bad. They were able to head up North and not hit too much bad weather on the way. Zak is safe and sound with them; and will be spending a few weeks ice fishing, walking through the woods and being generally spoiled by Nana and Papa. The house seems much quieter with him gone.

I am busy getting everything around for the flight out tomorrow. Surprisingly, even with all the unexpected events, everything seems to be going well!

Rachel is still sick and we are praying that her congestion is better for the flight tomorrow. I worry about her ears and the cabin pressure. I would like to say that she is feeling better today then yesterday; but alas, she is actually worse. It will be an interesting trip to Colorado. I will say that I am very glad I am going with her. It would be pretty hard to send her on the plane by herself with her feeling so poorly!

Abbey will be the little Mommy in the house for the next couple of days. I have tried to have everything laid out for her so it is not too much for her to tackle. She loves homemaking and I am completely confident that she will do a great job - - and enjoy every minute of it!]]

Well that is the update on things here. I will try to log on and say hi from Colorado. Looking forward to a great week!

Thanks for stopping by - I am so glad you did.



My Guest

My calendar is full. Wednesday I leave for Colorado only to arrive home on Saturday night and head up to meet my husband at a church he will be speaking in for a five day family meeting. I will be home for three days and then head into a week of meetings at our church. I am excited about everything that we have coming up. I also have been determined to be organized and not have anything take me by surprise.

I have made list upon list of things I need to remember. I have lunch lists made for Abbey for while I am gone in Colorado and she is here being Mom. I have lists made for suitcase packing that needs to be done. I have lists for the food we will need for the week of meetings here and have scheduled into the 'free' days cooking times to freeze ahead and be prepared. My efforts seemed to be paying off. I have my lists of things needing to be done today. Diligently I have planned and in my spirit I have felt ready for everything that was coming up.

Until this morning...

I was greeted early this morning by a,"Mom, I don't think I can go to school... I feel so sick..." I tucked her back into bed - planning as soon as the clinic in town opened to make her a doctor appointment. A quick weather check of the week ahead brought more uneasiness to my heart- 12- 15 inches of snow expected tonight and all through Tuesday! As soon as it opened, I called the doctor's office, only to find that the clinic here in town - 1 minute away - is not taking any patients today. (It seems the doctor there appears to have gone into labor!) Now, what would have taken 20 minutes for a doctor's visit will take me over an hour by the time I drive to another nearby town for the appointment. Needless to say, the morning did not go according to my 'to-do' list!

Trying to make up for lost time, I feed the kids I try to get them down for their nap. "Perhaps," I reasoned, "I will be able to get into quick mode and get things done while they are all in bed." While I busy myself with their lunch preparations I realized that my actions are quick and hurried, my responses to their requests hasty. Then, the phone rings...

The call informs me that we have guests that will be staying with us tonight, and with the snow storm approaching, it appears the stay will be through Wednesday morning. I am short with my words. I say that it is fine - by my spirit is saying something completely different.

"This is not part of the plan!"

"I don't want to sleep upstairs. I want to sleep on my bed!"

"I was not planning for extra people for dinner!"

"Why can't they just not come tonight!!"

"This is not what I had planned!"

I realize that my attitude is in need of adjustment. I take His Word and open it to the passage I have assigned to read today.

"For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty,and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered,and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

And the King shall answer and say unto them,verily I say unto you,Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me."

I love how His word convicts our hearts when we are thinking incorrectly. With tears, I asked Him to forgive me. His plans were different from mine today. His plans are always better than mine!

So tonight...

Jesus is coming to my house to stay. Jesus will be eating dinner with us tonight and it is Jesus to whom I will be giving my bed. He has done so much for me - it will be wonderful having Him in my home. My heart's desire will be to make sure every need He has is met.

I am so excited - Jesus will be my guest tonight!!

The Prayer and the Purchase

The morning started early. Shower taken, hair done for the day, coffee brewed and ready - - I sat down to spend some time with Him. Bible in hand, I read as I sipped from my cup. As I finished my reading I closed my eyes and spent time in prayer. I prayed that God would give me opportunity to share Him with someone - - today!

The kids awoke. Pull ups were replaced by the big girl alternative and promises of candy were given as reminders. Cereal was poured - dishes washed - laundry started.

Plans were made to go to the grocer and get some last minute items for tonight's dinner with friends. Pull ups were put back on for "just in case" - shoes were tied - coats zipped - car seats buckled. As we arrived at the store, reminders were given that hands were to not touch - the list was pulled from my purse - cart selected and the shopping begun.

Items were purchased - kids told to stay with Mom. Tokens were given as a gift from the cashier - junk toys were selected by two wide eyed little ones. Kids were loaded in the van - car seats buckled - groceries loaded - and we were on our way home.

The short trip brought us past a convenience store. A couple dollars were left in my wallet from a gift given to me by my parents for Christmas. In an impetuous spirit, I pulled in deciding to get a treat for me. I quickly walked into the store - grabbed my purchase and headed to the check out.

Then life stopped - and God talked...

I was in my own world - my mind busy thinking of all that needed done - and then God said, "Look..."

The cashier was apologizing and telling him there was not enough there. The man turned away dejected. I looked - it was a loaf of bread - nothing else - just one loaf. Then God spoke again. I acted upon His leading and stepped up.

"I can get that for him." The cashier looked taken back; the customer surprised. The rest of my money went to pay for the loaf; and somehow I thought perhaps out of all the things I was able to buy with my money gift - this one was the best.

I walked out and found the man getting into his car. I handed him a tract and asked him if he would read it. I told him the information in that tract had changed my life and I try to share it with everyone I can. He took it, agreed to read it and we went our separate ways.

The God spoke again, reminding me that He answers prayer. When we ask Him to lead us to someone - He makes sure our paths cross; and when we obediently obey His bidding He is able, through us to be shared with those needing Him. It is an awesome thought to think that just maybe the very reason I was here on earth today was to share Christ with that one that needs Him.

I am reminded once again to look for those opportunities that He brings my way and to act upon His leading in my life. I don't want to miss even one opportunity - may His will for my life be mine!

Thanks for stopping by,


A New Cut

I had combed through too many tangles - - too many times!!

I got tired of not being able to see her eyes when she got out of bed in the morning.

I thought a new style would fit her a little better.

I gulped hard after the first snip -- and wasn't sure I had made the right decision!

However, when all the ends matched - I was quite pleased.

The new cut fits her just fine!!

Thanks for stopping by. I am so glad you did.

